Cortes Island
Cortes Island

Cortes Island


Ecstatic Dance on Cortes Island
This is a transformational space for healing, prayer, joy, sadness, laughter, pain and everything in between. In Dance Temple events participants collectively agree to develop compassion, awareness and acceptance and to deepen into body-centred meditation.
Ecstatic Dance is a free form dance where the dancers (you!) move to music in whatever ways feel best, letting the dance arise from within as we breathe and move through a dance journey. The "journey" of the dance follows an ecstatic dance wave, based on 5 rhythms, from slow tempo gentle music gradually increasing in energy to peaks and an eventual return and grounding back into stillness. No dance experience is necessary to participate fully.
On Cortes we are continuing Dance Temple, now every two weeks, loosely affiliated and supported by Dance Temple ecstatic dance communities on the islands. Like other Dance Temples we have some baseline rules and agreements that we try to hold in our space.
- No talking. If you want to chat please do that outside and not on the dance floor
- No phones or cameras. Please keep phones off and away
- No scents. Please don't use scented products before coming and be aware of your own odor when entering shared dance space
- No outdoor shoes on the dance floor
- Dance Temple is a sober space. Please don't use any unneeded substances
Our AGREEMENT: consent is everything
We recognize that touch and physical proximity can mean different things to different people. In this space we practice self-awareness of our own bodies, and the ways in which we engage with the moving bodies of others. We define consent as freely given, enthusiastic agreement for mutual participation. Every dancer has the right to move alone and only engage with others if and when we choose.
All bodies, all ages, all gender expressions, all abilities welcome!
Please contact Connie by messenger or at if you would like to be on our volunteer list or if you have any other questions

Contact Information

983 Beasley Rd, Mansons Landing, BC V0P 1K0


983 Beasley Rd, Mansons Landing, BC V0P 1K0
