Everyone welcome
$20 per person/ children free
No one is turned away due to lack of funds. Donate as much or as little as you are able.
We provide the music and let you feel the rhythm, feel the beat and discover the freedom in your feet.
No experience necessary. There are no steps to learn and no right or wrong ways to move. Simply allow the music to guide you while surrounded by community. At dance temple we offer an intentional opening and closing circle. Some facilitators offer light facilitation throughout the class, others invite you to really call upon your inner facilitator and invite you to trust in the music as your guide.
You are encouraged to honour yourself, whether you are dancing, or lying in stillness. We invite you and your authenticity. We welcome all colours and shades of you.
Celebrate the beauty and sorrow of this wild world with community through movement and music.
Often the hardest part is just showing up!
Our dances are held on the 1st, 3rd and 5th (when applicable) FRIDAY of the month.
$20-$25 sliding scale cash at the door or pre-purchase by e-transferring $21-$25 dancetemplecowichan@gmail.com
Limited amount of low income tickets available for pre-purchase only $16 dancetemplecowichan@gmail.com